Secure Your Electrical System

How To Secure Your Electrical System For Summer

Secure your electrical system by ensuring your electrical system is ready to handle the increased demand. The hotter months bring about a significant reliance on electricity, from running air conditioners and fans to powering various household appliances. Your home’s comfort and safety depend on a well-maintained electrical system that can efficiently manage this seasonal surge in usage.

This comprehensive guide is designed to help you secure your electrical system for the summer, offering valuable tips for homeowners and renters alike, as well as professional advice for those seeking expert solutions. By taking proactive steps now, you can avoid potential hazards, improve energy efficiency, and enjoy a cool, worry-free summer. Let’s dive into the essential measures you need to take to keep your electrical system in top shape during the hottest months of the year.

Homeowner Tips

  1. Inspect Your Electrical Panel:
    Secure your electrical system by ensuring that your electrical panel is in good condition. Look for any signs of wear, rust, or damage. If you notice anything unusual, it’s time to call AAA’s Electrical Division at (803) 889-0686.
  2. Check for Overloaded Circuits:
    Overloaded circuits can cause breakers to trip and pose a fire hazard. Spread out your electrical load by unplugging devices you don’t use regularly.
  3. Upgrade Your Wiring:
    If you live in an older home, consider upgrading your wiring. Old, outdated wiring can be a fire risk and may not handle the load of modern appliances.
  4. Install Surge Protectors:
    Summer storms can lead to power surges. Protect your expensive electronics and appliances by installing whole-house surge protectors.
  5. Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors:
    Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working correctly. Change the batteries if needed and test them regularly.

Renter Tips

  1. Report Electrical Issues Promptly:
    Don’t ignore flickering lights or outlets that don’t work. Report these issues to your landlord immediately to prevent potential hazards.
  2. Use Power Strips Wisely:
    Avoid overloading power strips with too many devices. Use them for low-power items like phone chargers and lamps.
  3. Keep Cool with Fans:
    Use fans to help circulate air and reduce the load on your air conditioner. Make sure they are plugged into properly grounded outlets.
  4. Avoid Extension Cords:
    Extension cords are a temporary solution and can be a fire hazard if used long-term. If you need more outlets, ask your landlord to install them.

Pro Tips

  1. Schedule a Professional Electrical Inspection:
    AAA’s certified electricians can identify and fix potential issues before they become major problems. Schedule an inspection before summer (06/20/2024) to ensure your system is up to par.
  2. Install Ceiling Fans:
    Ceiling fans can reduce the strain on your HVAC system. They help distribute cool air more efficiently, lowering your energy bills.
  3. Consider a Smart Thermostat:
    Smart thermostats can optimize your cooling system, making it more efficient. They can also provide insights into your energy usage and help you save money.
  4. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances:
    Energy-efficient appliances use less electricity and can reduce your overall energy consumption. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label.
  5. Create an Emergency Plan:
    Have a plan in place for power outages. This includes having flashlights, batteries, and a list of emergency contacts ready.

As summer approaches, it’s essential to secure your electrical system to handle the increased demand. Homeowners should inspect their electrical panels, check for overloaded circuits, consider wiring upgrades, install surge protectors, and test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Renters should report electrical issues promptly, use power strips wisely, rely on fans for cooling, and avoid long-term use of extension cords. Pro tips include scheduling a professional inspection, installing ceiling fans, using smart thermostats, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, and having an emergency plan for power outages.

For more tips on how to secure your electrical system or to schedule a professional inspection, call (803) 889-0686 to speak to one of our live & locally hired Professional Service Representatives. You can also click HERE to access our online Service Request form 24/7.

Secure Your Electrical System

Written by: Jared M. Sewell